Gradle Commands Cheat Sheet
Basic Commands
1. gradle tasks
List all available tasks.
gradle tasks
2. gradle build
Assemble and build the project.
gradle build
3. gradle clean
Remove the build directory.
gradle clean
4. gradle test
Run tests for the project.
gradle test
5. gradle assemble
Assemble the outputs of the project.
gradle assemble
6. gradle check
Run all verification tasks (e.g., tests).
gradle check
7. gradle run
Run the main class.
gradle run
8. gradle javadoc
Generate Javadoc API documentation.
gradle javadoc
9. gradle tasks --all
List all tasks including those from plugins.
gradle tasks --all
10. gradle dependencies
Display the project’s dependencies.
gradle dependencies
Project Configuration
11. gradle init
Initialize a new Gradle project.
gradle init
12. gradle wrapper
Generate Gradle wrapper files.
gradle wrapper
13. gradle properties
Display the properties of the project.
gradle properties
14. gradle version
Display the Gradle version.
gradle version
15. gradle --stop
Stop the Gradle daemon.
gradle --stop
16. gradle --daemon
Run Gradle as a daemon.
gradle build --daemon
17. gradle build --no-daemon
Run Gradle without the daemon.
gradle build --no-daemon
18. gradle help
Show help for a specific task.
gradle help --task <taskName>
19. gradle build --console=plain
Use plain console output.
gradle build --console=plain
20. gradle build --info
Display more logging information.
gradle build --info
Dependency Management
21. gradle dependencies --configuration <configuration>
Display dependencies for a specific configuration.
gradle dependencies --configuration runtimeClasspath
22. gradle dependencyInsight --dependency <dependency>
Display insight into a specific dependency.
gradle dependencyInsight --dependency junit
23. gradle build --refresh-dependencies
Refresh dependencies.
gradle build --refresh-dependencies
24. gradle resolve
Resolve dependencies (not commonly used).
gradle resolve
25. gradle publish
Publish the build artifacts to a repository.
gradle publish
26. gradle dependencies --exclude <group>:<module>
Exclude a dependency.
gradle dependencies --exclude org.springframework:spring-core
27. gradle dependencyInsight --configuration <configuration>
Insight into a dependency for a specific configuration.
gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compileClasspath
28. gradle dependencyReport
Generate a dependency report (deprecated).
gradle dependencyReport
29. gradle publishToMavenLocal
Publish artifacts to the local Maven repository.
gradle publishToMavenLocal
30. gradle generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication
Generate a POM file for Maven publication.
gradle generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication
Build Configuration
31. gradle build -x test
Exclude tests from the build.
gradle build -x test
32. gradle build --parallel
Run tasks in parallel.
gradle build --parallel
33. gradle build --max-workers=<number>
Set the maximum number of workers.
gradle build --max-workers=4
34. gradle build --continue
Continue building even if some tasks fail.
gradle build --continue
35. gradle build --profile
Create a build profile report.
gradle build --profile
36. gradle build --scan
Create a build scan (requires Gradle Enterprise).
gradle build --scan
37. gradle build --debug
Display debug logging.
gradle build --debug
38. gradle build --quiet
Run with minimal output.
gradle build --quiet
39. gradle build --stacktrace
Show full stack traces for failures.
gradle build --stacktrace
40. gradle build --no-daemon
Run without the Gradle daemon.
gradle build --no-daemon
Running Specific Tasks
41. gradle
Run a specific task.
gradle test
42. gradle
Run a task with info logging.
gradle test --info
43. gradle
Run a task with debug logging.
gradle test --debug
44. gradle
Run a task and show stacktrace for errors.
gradle test --stacktrace
45. gradle
Run a task without the Gradle daemon.
gradle test --no-daemon
46. gradle
Run a task in offline mode.
gradle test --offline
47. gradle
Run a task and continue if some tasks fail.
gradle test --continue
48. gradle
Configure a task on demand.
gradle test --configure-on-demand
49. gradle
Run a task without rebuilding.
gradle test --no-rebuild
50. gradle
Use the build cache.
gradle test --build-cache
Advanced Commands
51. gradle build --scan
Generate a build scan report.
gradle build --scan
52. gradle build --no-build-cache
Run the build without using the build cache.
gradle build --no-build-cache
53. gradle build --configure-on-demand
Configure projects on demand.
gradle build --configure-on-demand
54. gradle build --offline
Run the build offline.
gradle build --offline
55. gradle build --no-configuration-cache
Run the build without using configuration cache.
gradle build --no-configuration-cache
56. gradle build --build-cache
Run the build with build cache.
gradle build --build-cache
57. gradle build --rebuild
Rebuild the project from scratch.
gradle build --rebuild
58. gradle build --exclude-task <task>
Exclude a specific task from the build.
gradle build --exclude-task test
59. gradle build --project-cache
Use project cache.
gradle build --project-cache
60. gradle build --continue
Continue building even if some tasks fail.
gradle build --continue
61. gradle test --tests <testClass>
Run tests in a specific class.
gradle test --tests com.example.MyTest
62. gradle test --tests <testClass>.<testMethod>
Run a specific test method.
gradle test --tests com.example.MyTest.myTestMethod
63. gradle test --exclude-task <task>
Exclude a specific test task.
gradle test --exclude-task integrationTest
64. gradle test --no-rebuild
Run tests without rebuilding.
gradle test --no-rebuild
65. gradle test --info
Show detailed information during testing.
gradle test --info
66. gradle test --debug
Display debug information for tests.
gradle test --debug
67. gradle test --stacktrace
Show stacktrace for test failures.
gradle test --stacktrace
68. gradle test --tests <pattern>
Run tests matching a pattern.
gradle test --tests "com.example.*"
69. gradle test --scan
Create a test scan report.
gradle test --scan
70. gradle test --no-daemon
Run tests without using the Gradle daemon.
gradle test --no-daemon
Custom Tasks
71. gradle tasks --all
List all tasks including those from plugins.
gradle tasks --all
72. gradle <customTaskName>
Run a custom task defined in build.gradle
gradle myCustomTask
73. gradle <customTaskName> --info
Run a custom task with info logging.
gradle myCustomTask --info
74. gradle <customTaskName> --debug
Run a custom task with debug logging.
gradle myCustomTask --debug
75. gradle <customTaskName> --stacktrace
Run a custom task and show stacktrace for errors.
gradle myCustomTask --stacktrace
76. gradle <customTaskName> --no-daemon
Run a custom task without the Gradle daemon.
gradle myCustomTask --no-daemon
77. gradle <customTaskName> --offline
Run a custom task in offline mode.
gradle myCustomTask --offline
78. gradle <customTaskName> --continue
Run a custom task and continue if some tasks fail.
gradle myCustomTask --continue
79. gradle <customTaskName> --configure-on-demand
Configure a custom task on demand.
gradle myCustomTask --configure-on-demand
80. gradle <customTaskName> --no-rebuild
Run a custom task without rebuilding.
gradle myCustomTask --no-rebuild
81. gradle <customTaskName> --build-cache
Use the build cache for a custom task.
gradle myCustomTask --build-cache
Additional Options
82. gradle --version
Display the Gradle version.
gradle --version
83. gradle --help
Display help information.
gradle --help
84. gradle --no-daemon
Run Gradle without using the daemon.
gradle --no-daemon
85. gradle --offline
Run Gradle in offline mode.
gradle --offline
86. gradle --scan
Create a build scan.
gradle --scan
87. gradle --no-rebuild
Run Gradle without rebuilding.
gradle --no-rebuild
88. gradle --configure-on-demand
Configure Gradle on demand.
gradle --configure-on-demand
89. gradle --build-cache
Use the build cache.
gradle --build-cache
90. gradle --no-configuration-cache
Run Gradle without using configuration cache.
gradle --no-configuration-cache
91. gradle --project-cache
Use the project cache.
gradle --project-cache
92. gradle --continue
Continue building even if some tasks fail.
gradle --continue
Common Issues and Troubleshooting
93. gradle --stop
Stop the Gradle daemon.
gradle --stop
94. gradle --no-daemon --info
Run Gradle without the daemon and with info logging.
gradle --no-daemon --info
95. gradle --no-daemon --debug
Run Gradle without the daemon and with debug logging.
gradle --no-daemon --debug
96. gradle --no-daemon --stacktrace
Run Gradle without the daemon and show stacktrace for errors.
gradle --no-daemon --stacktrace
97. gradle --no-daemon --offline
Run Gradle without the daemon and in offline mode.
gradle --no-daemon --offline
98. gradle --no-daemon --build-cache
Run Gradle without the daemon and use the build cache.
gradle --no-daemon --build-cache
99. gradle --stop --no-daemon
Stop the Gradle daemon and run without it.
gradle --stop --no-daemon
100. gradle --no-daemon --configure-on-demand
Run Gradle without the daemon and configure on demand.
gradle --no-daemon --configure-on-demand