Maven Commands Cheat Sheet
Basic Commands
1. mvn clean
Remove all files generated by the previous build.
mvn clean
2. mvn compile
Compile the source code of the project.
mvn compile
3. mvn test
Run the tests for the project.
mvn test
4. mvn package
Compile, test, and package the code into a JAR/WAR file.
mvn package
5. mvn install
Install the package into the local repository.
mvn install
6. mvn deploy
Deploy the package to a remote repository.
mvn deploy
7. mvn validate
Validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available.
mvn validate
8. mvn site
Generate a site for the project.
mvn site
9. mvn clean install
Clean the project and install it.
mvn clean install
10. mvn clean package
Clean the project and package it.
mvn clean package
Running Specific Goals
11. mvn test-compile
Compile the test source code.
mvn test-compile
12. mvn exec:java
Execute a Java program.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main"
13. mvn clean validate
Clean the project and validate it.
mvn clean validate
14. mvn clean site
Clean the project and generate a site.
mvn clean site
15. mvn install:install-file
Manually install a JAR file into the local repository.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=path/to/your.jar -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=your-artifact -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
16. mvn dependency:tree
Display the dependency tree.
mvn dependency:tree
17. mvn dependency:resolve
Resolve project dependencies.
mvn dependency:resolve
18. mvn help:effective-pom
Display the effective POM for the project.
mvn help:effective-pom
19. mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
Display available updates for dependencies.
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
20. mvn checkstyle:checkstyle
Run the Checkstyle plugin to check code style.
mvn checkstyle:checkstyle
Configuration and Debugging
21. mvn -X
Run Maven in debug mode.
mvn -X
22. mvn -e
Show the full stack trace for errors.
mvn -e
23. mvn -DskipTests
Skip running tests.
mvn package -DskipTests
24. mvn -DskipITs
Skip running integration tests.
mvn verify -DskipITs
25. mvn -Dtest=TestClass#testMethod
Run a specific test method.
mvn test -Dtest=TestClass#testMethod
26. mvn -P profile
Activate a specific Maven profile.
mvn package -Pproduction
27. mvn help:effective-settings
Display the effective settings.xml file.
mvn help:effective-settings
28. mvn help:effective-pom -Ddebug
Display the effective POM with debug information.
mvn help:effective-pom -Ddebug
29. mvn -DskipTests=true
Skip tests during the build.
mvn package -DskipTests=true
30. mvn -DskipTests=false
Run tests during the build.
mvn package -DskipTests=false
Advanced Commands
31. mvn deploy:deploy-file
Deploy a file to a remote repository.
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=http://your-repo-url -Dfile=path/to/your.jar -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=your-artifact -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
32. mvn clean verify
Clean the project and run verification tasks.
mvn clean verify
33. mvn dependency:build-classpath
Build the classpath for the project.
mvn dependency:build-classpath
34. mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
Copy project dependencies to a specified location.
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=lib
35. mvn resources:resources
Process the resources of the project.
mvn resources:resources
36. mvn release:prepare
Prepare for a release.
mvn release:prepare
37. mvn release:perform
Perform a release.
mvn release:perform
38. mvn sonar:sonar
Run SonarQube analysis.
mvn sonar:sonar
39. mvn clean install -Pproduction
Clean and install the project with the production profile.
mvn clean install -Pproduction
40. mvn site:deploy
Deploy the generated site.
mvn site:deploy
Lifecycle Phases
41. mvn validate
Validate the project structure.
mvn validate
42. mvn compile
Compile the project source code.
mvn compile
43. mvn test
Run tests.
mvn test
44. mvn package
Package the compiled code into a JAR or WAR.
mvn package
45. mvn install
Install the package into the local repository.
mvn install
46. mvn deploy
Deploy the package to a remote repository.
mvn deploy
47. mvn verify
Run any checks on the results of integration tests to ensure quality criteria are met.
mvn verify
48. mvn clean
Remove all files generated by the previous build.
mvn clean
49. mvn site
Generate a site for the project.
mvn site
50. mvn deploy-site
Deploy the generated site.
mvn deploy-site
Running with Profiles
51. mvn clean install -Pprofile
Clean and install the project using a specific profile.
mvn clean install -Pprofile
52. mvn test -Ptest
Run tests with a specific profile.
mvn test -Ptest
53. mvn package -Pproduction
Package the project with the production profile.
mvn package -Pproduction
54. mvn verify -Pdev
Verify the project with the development profile.
mvn verify -Pdev
55. mvn clean -Ptest
Clean the project using a test profile.
mvn clean -Ptest
Custom Goals and Plugins
56. mvn exec:java
Run a Java program.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main"
57. mvn scala:compile
Compile Scala sources.
mvn scala:compile
58. mvn javadoc:javadoc
Generate Javadoc.
mvn javadoc:javadoc
59. mvn checkstyle:check
Run Checkstyle to check code style.
mvn checkstyle:check
60. mvn pmd:pmd
Run PMD to check for coding issues.
mvn pmd:pmd
61. mvn license:format
Format the license headers in the code.
mvn license:format
62. mvn dependency:analyze
Analyze the dependencies.
mvn dependency:analyze
63. mvn site:deploy
Deploy the generated site.
mvn site:deploy
64. mvn clean site -Pproduction
Clean the project and generate the site with the production profile.
mvn clean site -Pproduction
65. mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main" -Dexec.args="arg1 arg2"
Run a Java program with arguments.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main" -Dexec.args="arg1 arg2"
66. mvn resources:copy-resources
Copy resources to the output directory.
mvn resources:copy-resources
67. mvn resources:resources -Dinclude="**/*.xml"
Process only XML resources.
mvn resources:resources -Dinclude="**/*.xml"
68. mvn release:prepare
Prepare a release.
mvn release:prepare
69. mvn release:perform
Perform a release.
mvn release:perform
70. mvn clean validate package
Clean, validate, and package the project.
mvn clean validate package
Debugging and Troubleshooting
71. mvn -X
Run Maven in debug mode.
mvn -X
72. mvn -e
Show full stack trace for errors.
mvn -e
73. mvn -DskipTests
Skip running tests.
mvn package -DskipTests
74. mvn -DskipITs
Skip running integration tests.
mvn verify -DskipITs
75. mvn -Dtest=TestClass#testMethod
Run a specific test method.
mvn test -Dtest=TestClass#testMethod
76. mvn -P profile
Activate a specific Maven profile.
mvn package -Pproduction
Useful Maven Commands
77. mvn dependency:tree
Display the dependency tree.
mvn dependency:tree
78. mvn help:effective-pom
Display the effective POM.
mvn help:effective-pom
79. mvn help:effective-settings
Display the effective settings.xml.
mvn help:effective-settings
80. mvn help:active-profiles
Display the active profiles.
mvn help:active-profiles
81. mvn help:all-profiles
Display all profiles.
mvn help:all-profiles
82. mvn help:system
Display system properties.
mvn help:system
83. mvn help:effective-settings
Display the effective settings.
mvn help:effective-settings
84. mvn help:effective-pom
Display the effective POM.
mvn help:effective-pom
85. mvn help:active-profiles
Display the active profiles.
mvn help:active-profiles
86. mvn help:all-profiles
Display all profiles.
mvn help:all-profiles
87. mvn help:system
Display system properties.
mvn help:system
88. mvn help:effective-settings
Display the effective settings.
mvn help:effective-settings
This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive list of common Maven commands. Use these commands to streamline your build and project management processes.